hi there, I'm ka yee!
I am a translator by profession and the creator of the Multilingual Family Hub.
The project was born out of my personal journey raising trilingual children, with the goal of helping other families discover the joys of multilingual parenting while also avoiding the hurdles we faced.
When our first child was born in 2016, my husband and I had no idea how to raise a trilingual child in Chinese, Russian, and English. There were very few resources dedicated to trilingual families, and we had no roadmap, no plan.
Three years into our journey, we felt stuck – while our son could understand all three languages, he only spoke English. We were on the verge of giving up on our dream of raising multilingual kids…

Let's rewind to 2019...
Everything changed on a chilly November day in London.
At a kids’ birthday party, I met a French dad who was successfully raising bilingual children. After hearing about my struggles, he gave me advice that transformed our journey and – little did I know at the time – planted the seed for the Multilingual Family Hub.
A few months later, after putting his advice into action, something incredible happened – our son started speaking Russian and Chinese actively!

Our children in a double buggy, London, November 2019

In 2021, I decided it was time to share everything I’d learned with other families. I wanted to create the resource I wished we’d had when we started.
I wrote Bilingual and Trilingual Parenting 101: A Practical Handbook for Multilingual Families in the evenings, after my children had gone to bed and between translation jobs (I’m a full-time freelance translator). The book was published in the summer of 2021 and has since sold thousands of copies on Amazon.
Shortly after, I launched this website to share our stories and tips through the blog.
In 2023, during a dinner with a friend from Hong Kong who’d bought my book for his sister, he suggested, “Why don’t you start a YouTube channel to spread the message?”
Could I? It felt daunting. Preposterous, even! Me, starting a YouTube channel?!
But somehow, the idea stuck with me.
In May 2023, I took the plunge and launched the Multilingual Family Hub YouTube channel, where I now share our personal journey, practical tips, and advice with families around the world.
But my mission doesn't stop there...
I’m on a mission to make bilingual, trilingual, and multilingual parenting accessible to ALL families – not just parents with a linguistics degree or those who graduated from Ivy League schools.
I believe that with the right knowledge, tools, and motivation, any family can help their children thrive in multiple languages.
Currently, if you walk into a UK bookshop or library, you won’t find practical guides on raising bilingual or trilingual children for “everyday” parents. You might find academic papers or books that read like a dissertation, but nothing that speaks directly to the needs of parents like us.
That’s what I want to change. I want to empower ALL families – immigrant families, second- or third-generation immigrants, expats, and international families – to help their children become fluent in more than one language and reach their full potential.
I’m also committed to providing valuable content through this website and my YouTube channel.

Every family should have access to easy-to-understand resources that would help them raise bilingual or multilingual children in places such as public libraries
What makes my content different?
Created by a parent, for parents
Simple, straightforward language anyone can understand
Filled with personal stories and relatable insights
I understand your struggles because I’ve been there myself!
I'll continue to document my own journey as I learn and grow, and share my experience so that my audience can learn and grow with me
Thank you for your support!
Just a short intro about me & my qualifications...
I was born in Shanghai and raised in Hong Kong before moving to London as a teenager.
When I’m not working on the Multilingual Family Hub, I work as a freelance translator – something I’ve been doing for over a decade!
I got my first degree from Cambridge University, where I studied History of Art and graduated in 2009.
After uni, I fell into the world of translation and also re-trained as a Mandarin teacher. I hold a Diploma in Translation (equivalent to a master’s degree here in the UK!), awarded by the Chartered Institute of Linguists, of which I am a member.
Professional qualifications aside, I’m a book nerd and a coffee/chocolate/exercise junkie.